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Rent a NHS approved Carum hospital grade breastpump

Ardo Carum –  a hospital-grade electric breast pump that is available for rental throughout the UK. 

Why the Carum breastpump? – the Carum breastpump can be shared between users due to the closed system technology.  This protects the breastmilk and the pump from contamination. This is especially important with rental breast pumps. The Carum is widely used by Healthcare Professionals within NHS hospitals.

Why hire the Carum? – A lot of mums will have used the Carum breastpump on a NHS maternity or neonatal ward and want to continue their expressing journey.  You may need to increase your breastmilk supply.  You may be feeding multiple babies.  You could be separated from your baby.  You could be exclusively expressing to feed your baby breastmilk.

How can I get the Carum? –  delivery is available throughout mainland UK by courier.   Order by 2 pm any working day and you can either choose the next day option or free delivery within 2/3 days.  It arrives fully serviced, cleaned, and includes two new pumpsets for either single or double pumping.

How does the Carum work – The Carum has 2 phases to mimic a baby’s feeding behavior, there is Cycles (stimulation) and Vacuum (expressing) mode.  In stimulation mode, the Cycles are fast with the Vacuum levels low to stimulate a letdown. After 2 minutes it switches to expression mode where the Vacuum is high with the Cycles slow to allow efficient flow of breastmilk. However, you can switch back to stimulation mode at any time by pressing the droplet button.  The settings can be adjusted at any time for your comfort and to establish the best milk flow for you.

What additional features does the Carum have?

Sensitive mode – the Vacuum and Cycle modes are gentle and can be slowly adjusted.  This may be helpful for someone with sore or painful nipples.  This mode can be activated by pressing the droplet button when the pump is first turned on and the welcome page is displayed.

Dimmer function –  making it more discrete during the night.

Timer –  automatically starts, however, you have the option to turn it off by pressing the timer button.

Bottle holders  – which are practical and provide a stable place to set down milk bottles when you have finished expressing. This helps to prevent your precious breast milk from being spilled.

Click the link for our Carum video. 

Can I double pump with the Carum? – yes you have a choice to either single or double pump.  Double pumping with the Carum breastpump helps save time and increase what you express

For double pumping you need to insert both tube connectors into the connection openings of the pump on the front on the pump.   The second opening of the tube connector must always be closed for both single and double pumping.

What size Breastshell do I get with the Carum? – The Carum comes with a standard 26mm breast shell.  It is important that you are using the correct breast shell size. Expressing should be comfortable, there should be little or no areola in the tunnel and your nipple should move freely. There are six different sizes available from Ardo from 18mm  –  36mm, which can be purchased separately.  Click the link for our video to help you with breastshell sizing. 

What do I get with the Carum rental ?  Included are the Carum breastpump unit, 2 x pumpsets with 150ml bottles and 26mm breastshells, 2 x lids with removable inserts, and your rental agreement.

How long is the Carum rental?  – The Carum rental is initially for 14 days, and the price includes delivery and collection by courier.  After the initial two-week hire it then changes to a monthly hire cost at the same price. The rental is continuous and monthly payments are taken until a collection date is booked for the return of the pump. For current prices check the website.

How do I return the Carum breastpump? – At least 2 working days prior to the end of the hire period, please contact Ardo on 01823 336362 to arrange a collection date.  Make sure you keep the protective polystyrene ends, plus the cardboard box. This is to protect the breast pump for transportation back to Ardo.

What do I return to Ardo?  The breast pump, electric cable, and the green bottle holder must be placed back in the grey container and returned. The bottles and tubing that connect to the front of the pump do not need to be returned.

If you need any help with your hire you can call, use the chat function on the website, or get online support from Ardo.

IBCLC Ilayda walks you through what’s included in your Carum rental.  


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